• Table of Contents figure for "Controlling Carbodiimide-Driven Reaction Networks Through the Reversible Formation of Pyridine Adducts"
    Controlling Carbodiimide-Driven Reaction Networks Through the Reversible Formation of Pyridine Adducts

The Hartley Group

We are an organic chemistry research group located in the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio.

Our research is in the general area of physical organic chemistry. We take broad inspiration from biochemistry, but we don’t work with biomolecules. Instead, we try to implement general concepts that underlie the operation of biochemical systems using only abiotic chemicals. In this way, we hope to (one day) develop systems that exhibit sophistication comparable to that of nature’s chemistry but in non-biological contexts.

Right now we are focused on two main projects: the folding of sterically congested polyphenylenes and the behavior of chemical systems driven out of equilibrium by carbodiimides.

Researchers in the group work at the interface of organic chemistry and materials science, and gain valuable skills in both these areas. Depending on the project, we use synthetic organic chemistry, physical organic chemistry, and materials characterization to varying degrees.

Interested prospective graduate students should feel free to contact us for more information about our work. However, please note that admission decisions are made by the department’s Graduate Admissions Committee once applications have been completed (not by Scott). For more information about the graduate program and the application procedure, please see the departmental website.

Miami undergraduates should feel free to contact us if they are interested in getting involved in our research or if they would like to discuss other research opportunities in the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry.

Funding for our research from the National Science Foundation and Department of Energy is gratefully acknowledged.

Scott also has a blog in which he discusses various aspects of using technology as a chemistry academic.

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