Congrats to grad student Zach Kinney on having passed his Original Research Proposal!
Author: Scott
Connor Henry joins group
Connor Henry has joined the group as an undergraduate researcher. Welcome Connor!
Congrats to former member Rachel Warrell on an Honorable Mention in the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship program!
Rachel was an NSF REU student in the group in the summer of 2013, and is now a graduate student at Ohio State. She was also one of the co-authors of our recent Chem. Commun. paper.
Publication in Chem. Commun. on o-phenylene planarization
A new paper has appeared in Chem. Commun. on the suppression of rearrangements in polyphenylene planarization through the use of substrates with polycyclic aromatic subunits. This work is the culmination of a lot of effort from postdoc Jian He, grad student Sanyo Mathew, and former REU students Zach Kinney (now a grad student in the group), Rachel Warrell, and James Molina.
New website launched
Dragging ourselves into the 21st century, the website has been revamped. It now features a responsive design and a customized WordPress backend (probably the subject of a future blog post).