Congratulations to Paul, who successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation on November 4th!
Author: Scott
Sumalatha Peddi, Viraj Kirinda, and Isuru Jayalath join group
Welcome to new grad students Sumalatha Peddi, Viraj Kirinda, and Isuru Jayalath!
Run Jiang and Hehe Wang join group
Welcome to undergraduates Run Jiang and Hehe Wang!
Scott promoted
Scott has officially been promoted to Professor. Many thanks to all Hartley group members, past and present, for their hard work over the last 9 years!
Meng defends her Ph.D. dissertation
Soon-to-be-Dr. Meng Chu defended on June 24. Congratulations!
J. Chem. Educ. article featured on cover
Our recent J. Chem. Educ. article is featured on the cover of the June 2016 issue.
New paper in Angew. Chem.
Fengfeng’s work on using imine formation to assemble stacked structures has been published in Angew. Chem.! The culmination of a lot of work.
PRF ND grant funded
Many thanks to the Petroleum Research Fund for funding out New Directions proposal on non-equilibrium self-assembly! We’re really excited to work on this project.
Areon Smith and Erika Stopler join group
Welcome to NSF REU students Areon Smith (Jackson State University) and Erika Stopler (SUNY Oneonta), who will be joining us for the summer!
NSF grant renewed
The NSF is continuing to fund our work on ortho-phenylene foldamers. Many thanks! Support from the NSF has been the foundation of our research.