Happy trails to Dr. Suma Peddi, who has successfully defended her dissertation!
Category: News
Kyle Hess and Will Krueger join group
Welcome to Kyle Hess and Will Krueger, who have joined the group for the summer as NSF REU students!
Kate graduates
Happy trails to Dr. Kate Bradford, who has successfully defended her dissertation and is moving on to bigger and better things!
Will Salvia and Jackson Gunn join group
Welcome to Will Salvia and Jackson Gunn, who have joined the group as undergraduate researchers!
Andrew graduates
Happy trails to Andrew Miller, who has successfully defended his M.S. thesis!
New paper in J. Org. Chem.
We have a new paper out in J. Org. Chem.! In this work, Suma, Molly, and Gopi describe the behavior of a short o-phenylene with crown ethers appended to its ends. Suitable diammonium guests cause the oligomer to misfold.
Nirob Saha joins group
Welcome to Dr. Nirob Saha, who has joined the group as a postdoctoral researcher! Nirob comes to us from Auburn University where he worked in the Merner group.
Yinhui Liao joins group
Welcome to Yinhui Liao, who has joined the group as a graduate student! Yinhui comes to us from Peking University.
Corvo Tran and Jake Franklin join group
Welcome to Corvo Tran and Jake Franklin, who have joined the group as undergraduate researchers!
New paper in J. Org. Chem.
We have a new paper out in J. Org. Chem.! Isuru, Maddy, and Georgia examine structure–property effects on the carbodiimide-induced clamping of diphenic acids, important results as we look to incorporate these into more-complex systems.