We have a new paper out in Org. Lett.! Isuru, Frank, Georgia, and Lasith show that diphenic acid derivatives undergo transient geometry changes on treatment with carbodiimide fuels.
New paper in Eur. J. Org. Chem.
A new paper is out in Eur. J. Org. Chem.! Viraj and our collaborators Briana Schrage and Chris Ziegler from the University of Akron study the assembly of hydrocarbon o-phenylene macrocycles assembled using olefin metathesis. We continue to learn more and more about assembling foldamers into more complex structures, and the molecules are particularly pretty.
New paper in Angew. Chem.
We have a new paper out in Angew. Chem.! Mosharraf and Josh show that carbodiimide-fueled anhydride formation can be used to assemble macrocycles containing multiple transient bonds. We believe this will have significant implications for generating out-of-equilibrium species of increased structural complexity.
Many thanks to the editors for selecting this as a “Hot Paper”!
New paper in J. Org. Chem.
Our latest paper is out in J. Org. Chem.! Lasith, Run, and our collaborators from the Sommer Group investigate structure–property effects in the assembly/disassembly of aqueous benzoic anhydrides fueled by carbodiimides.
Renuka Baral, Andrew Miller, and Nadeen Saleh join group
Welcome to new graduate students Renuka Baral and Andrew Miller and new undergraduate Nadeen Saleh!
Will Carson and Griffin Betz join group
Welcome to Will Carson and Griffin Betz, who have joined the group as undergraduate researchers!
Meng Gu, Sean Ginn, Kiley Blachaniec, and Kaitlyn Flynn join group
Welcome to undergraduates Meng Gu, Sean Ginn, Kiley Blachaniec, and Kaitlyn Flynn, who have joined the group!
New paper in Chem. Sci.
Our latest paper is out in Chemical Science! Zach and Viraj explore the interplay between folding and macrocyclization with ortho-phenylene hexamers and decamers. Confinement within the macrocycle forces the foldamer into conformations that are typically not observed, which is predictable using simple computational models.
MRI grant funded
Huge thanks to the NSF MRI program, which has funded a new NMR spectrometer for the department. This instrument will bring several new capabilities, including an autosampler (for greatly increased throughput of teaching and research samples), advanced 19F capabilities, and a flow accessory.
Kate Bradford joins group
Welcome to Kate Bradford, who as joined the group as a graduate student! Kate is a member of both our group and the Konkolewicz group.